Michigan State Police Command Officers Association.
Since its establishment in 1972, MSPCOA has been dedicated to championing the rights and welfare of Michigan State Police Command Officers. As the sole labor organization recognized by the Michigan Civil Service Commission and the Department of State Police for MSP command officers, their influence is unparalleled.

Objectives in Design
To cultivate trust, ignite pride, honor history, and provide support. Every element was meticulously crafted to instill trust in both current and prospective members, ensuring they feel confident in their membership to the MSPCOA. The artwork serves as more than just visuals; it stands as a symbol of pride for all who are part of or aspire to join the MSPCOA family.

Primary Marks
The main emblem is a combination of elements from the Great Seal of Michigan and the primary badge of the Michigan State Police. A sash across the badge features the Latin word "Tuebor," translating to "protect." Thirteen rays emanating from the sun pay tribute to the original 13 colonies, symbolizing our connection to the Union. Additionally, seven waves represent the major waterways in Michigan, emphasizing the state's rich aquatic heritage.

The Visual Language

Branded Materials